r114_d6.0_Z_R_4000K angle averaged optical spectral time-series

Optical spectral time-series file format: Table with 1+n columns and 1+m lines specifying the optical spectral time series for n epochs on m wavelength bins. The first line defines the time of the n epochs for which spectra have been calculated (time in days since explosion, the first 0.00 is a dummy value). The following m lines contain the fluxes for the various time steps for a given wavelength bin. The first column gives the wavelength in A, followed by n columns giving the fluxes (in units of erg/cm^2/s/A assuming a distance of 10pc).

This file is part of the r114_d6.0_Z_R_4000K model.

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r114_d6.0_Z_R_4000K angle averaged optical spectral time-series