
This is model gcd_2016_gcd200. Time at the end of this simulation: 100.31 s If you make use of the data provided through this website please cite the following paper(s): Seitenzahl, I. R., Kromer, M., Ohlmann, S. T., Ciaraldi-Schoolmann, F., Marquardt, K., Fink, M., Hillebrandt, W., Pakmor, R., Röpke, F. K., Ruiter, A. J., Sim, S. A., & Taubenberger, S. (2016): Three-dimensional simulations of gravitationally confined detonations compared to observations of SN 1991T, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 592, A57, ADS Please also add the following acknowledgements: “This work made use of the Heidelberg Supernova Model Archive (HESMA), https://hesma.h-its.org”.



  • Description:
  • Date uploaded: Sept. 24, 2024, 10:56 a.m.
  • gcd_2016_gcd200
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